Interview Magazine "Chorus", 2002
What is that “Boogie Street” evocated in both songs “A 1000 kissedt deep" and "Boogie Street"?
It’s an image to evoke the deception, the “lost illusions boulevard”, an image of the everyday life, with its tentations, its disillusions. In fact there is actually a “Boogie Street” in Singapore. A very attractive street, where you can find illegal records. I remember having been there after a Tour in Australia. I was almost offended not to find my records. I asked the seller and he went back with a box containing the entire collection of my records - what you could never find anywhere else, furthermore at one dollar each record. By night, this same street becomes the hottest one of the area. It’s a street of working ans sex, and of all the deceptions these activities can bring, deceptions more cruel as you get older, like I do
"About the song "A Thousand kisses deep
It’s a song that summaries quite well this feeling of invicible defeat anyone is affected by. The feeling that everything is temporary and unsubstantial. Of course you have to live your life as though it were all real, but the fondamental reality is far beyond the human’s understanding. Nowadays we know much more the mechanism of the Human, we’re decoding his genes, but none can tell what is the meaning of that “Boogie street”. You can only have this feeling everything escapes us. Finally it’s an instructive feeling, that drive us ahead
Interviewee: L. Cohen
6:11 PM